Essays and Opeds

Twitter changed my life for good. But the platform I loved no longer exists.

The Guardian,  8 January 2024

In Europe, we can’t help laughing at David Cameron’s return – but we welcome it, too.

The Guardian,  15 November 2023

Why did it take a murderous war in Ukraine for Germany to wake up to the threat from Russia?

The Guardian,  19 June 2023

For Hamburg, devastated by allied bombing, King Charles’ visit is so much more than a photo-op

The Guardian, 30 March 2023

Whisper it, but the UK and the EU are starting to mend their broken relationship

The Guardian, 18 November 2022

London wartet auf die Zeitenwende

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 9 February 2023

Truss Me

Republik Magazin, 6 September 2022

Ukrained Kingdom

Republik Magazin, 28 June 2022

Der Brit-Populist

Republik Magazin, 27 November 2020

Im Brexit-Limbo

Die Zeit Online, 24 October 2019

Shutting down Parliament is worse than a coup. It’s a mistake.

Foreign Policy, 29 August 2019

Das Klischee vom ewigen Störenfried

Republik Magazin, 10 April 2019

Merkel’s retreat is a major shift for Germany, not for Brexit

The UK in a Changing Europe, 1 November 2018

Remember this: Brexit is not Germany’s priority

The Times Red Box, 30 July 2018

co-published by the Thinktank The UK in a Changing Europe, 31 July 2018

War metaphors have no place in the Brexit debate

The Times Red Box, 13 November 2017

co-published by the Thinktank The UK in a Changing Europe, 14 November 2017

Lost in translation: Brexit and the Anglo-German relationship

History & Policy, 10 January 2017

Margaret Thatcher: The critical architect of European Integration

The UK in a Changing Europe, 4 May 2016

Britain’s ‘return East of Suez’: A historical perspective

The Global and Imperial Forum, 10 May 2016

Moving forward looking back: Anniversaries, remembrance and the Anglo-German relationship in 2014

The British Scholar Society, January 2015

The Cambridges in Australia: Balmorality 2.0?

The British Scholar Society, June 2014

Imperialism and the Global Anglo-American Relationship

The British Scholar Society, October 2013

Witnessing the United Kingdom at the United Nations

The British Scholar Society, July 2013

Two Speeches, One Concept? Thatcher, Cameron and Europe

The British Scholar Society, April 2013

The Suez Crisis – A Turning Point for the End of Empire in the Middle East?

The British Scholar Society, February 2013

Defining Decolonization

The British Scholar Society, December 2012

Isaiah Berlin and the Humanity of History

The British Scholar Society, November 2012

The British Government, Arab Nationalism and the Iraqi Revolution of 1958

The British Scholar Society, October 2012

The Historian William Hague

The British Scholar Society, August 2012

“With Europe, but not of it” – An Exclusively British Attitude?

The British Scholar Society, June 2012

Great Britain and the UN Committee of 24

The British Scholar Society, May 2012

Global History – the History of Globalisation?

The British Scholar Society, April 2012

The Indispensable Junior Partner

The British Scholar Society, March 2012

The Search for a Western Identity

The British Scholar Society, February 2012

The United Arab Emirates – A Product of British Imperialism?

The British Scholar Society, January 2012


Die Blase ist geplatzt. Interview with Tagesspiegel, 25 October 2022

Helene argued that it is worth taking the long view on UK-German relations, especially in light of the war in Ukraine. The populist bubble in the UK has burst with the failure and resignation of Liz Truss. Change won’t be imminent, but it is coming.

Die Einheit des Vereinigten Königreichs ist in Gefahr. Interview with Die Presse, 29 January 2021

Helene argued that the end of the Brexit process does not equal the end of British populism.

Why is German public reluctant to back UK over ‘Russian’ nerve agent attack? Interview with The Local, 6 April 2018

Jörg Luyken of The Local interviewed Helene about German attitudes regarding the Skripal affair. Helene argued that German reluctance to back the UK had less to do with the Anglo-German relationship, and more with a historically deeply embedded longing to get along with Russia, as well as a general reluctance to face up to the harsh realities of international affairs.

Cameron hat ein verantwortungsloses Spiel gespielt. Interview with Spiegel Online, 24 June 2016

On the day following the Brexit Referendum, Helene gave a detailed interview to Spiegel Online about David Cameron’s motives for calling the referendum, the historical origins of British Euroscepticism, and the likely consequences of Britain’s vote to leave the EU.

Book Reviews

Book review of Philip Stephens Britain Alone , in: Financial Times, 5 February 2021

Britain Alone. The Path from Suez to Brexit (Faber, 2001)

Book review of R. Gerald Hughes, The Postwar Legacy of Appeasement

British Foreign Policy since 1945 (New York: Bloomsbury Academic 2014), in The American Historical Review, Vol. 120, No. 2, April 2015, pp. 719-720.

Geschichte(n) der Globalisierung:

Historische Perspektiven im 20. Jahrhundert. Tagungsbericht für H-net über das 5. Doktorandenforum des Zentrums für Zeitgeschichte in Potsdam am 13.-14.4.2007.

Academic Articles

‘A Watershed in our Relations with the Trucial States’: Great Britain’s policy to prevent the opening of an Arab League office in the Persian Gulf in 1965

Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1, January 2011, pp. 1-24.

The Kuwait Crisis 1961 and its Consequences for Great Britain’s Persian Gulf Policy

British Scholar Journal, Vol. 2, No.1, September 2009, pp. 75-96.

Die irakische Revolution 1958 – Wendepunkt für Großbritanniens Nahost-Politik?

Imke Sturm-Martin/ Jan Hecker-Stampehl (eds.), Europa im Blick. Westeuropäische Perspektiven im 20. Jahrhundert. Festschrift für Clemens A. Wurm (Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač 2007), pp. 47-58.